Breast cancer prevention is an essential subject for women of all ages globally, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region where knowledge and initial action go a long way. Unfortunately there is no sure method of preventing breast cancer but there are certain behaviors that if taken will greatly reduce chances. This article is a review of key life style modification and prevention measures in breast cancer, specifically nutrition and cancer, physical activity, and weight control.
It has therefore been established that the choices that boost health do work.
These are some of the ways that can be taken positively to prevent breast cancer. These types of canned foods and their long lists of ingredients are a testament to how diet, exercise, and body weight play into breast cancer. To know more about how prioritizing cancer risk reduction strategies you can contribute to your wellbeing, continue reading below.
In this blog paper we’ll discuss on how nutrition can help in the prevention of breast cancer.
Nutrition has been established to be important in cancer with diet being an essential factor in promoting a healthy cancer free body. Here are some nutrition tips to consider:
Eat a Plant-Based Diet: Ensure you take many fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods and many legumes in your daily foods. Showcased foods are rich sources of antioxidants and fiber that help your body to fight disease causing organisms including those responsible for causing cancer.
Limit Red and Processed Meats: It has been discovered that intakes of red and processed meats raise the likelihood of developing different cancers. Liquids – avoid carbonated, sugary and caffeinated beverages choose instead water, fruit juice, and low-fat milk, Aim for protein dense foods but low in fat, including lean meat like chicken, fish, and turkey, beans and nuts.
Reduce Alcohol Intake: Drinking alcoholic beverages increases the likelihood of breast cancer. Some risks are formed by alcohol consumption, and that is why eliminating it or lessening it can lower the risk.
Stay Hydrated: Nothing contributes to a breast cancer prevention process better than an observation of a healthy lifestyle, and one of the key concepts of healthy living is water balance.
Exercise and Breast Health
Normal exercise is not only good for heart and successful weight loss, but exercise and breast are also essential for general exercise schedules. Other research show how exercising can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer because it controls hormones and prevents inflammation.
Practice Moderate exercise weekly for 150 minutes: This can include simple forms of exercises such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling among others.
Incorporate Strength Training: Gymnastic activities such as weight lifting assist in building muscles thus controlling body metabolism and possibly use full in weight control.
Stay Active Throughout the Day: Sensors that just switch from using the elevator instead of taking the stairs or small walks during office work breaks go a long way for overall improvement in health.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Breast cancer is equally prevalent among women who are over weight, especially those over age of 50 years.There is nothing as crucial as ensuring that one makes health worthy choices that can help decrease his/her risks. Here are some strategies to help:
Monitor Your Caloric Intake: Like anyone else, be conscious of calorie intake and especially try not to indulge in fatty and sugary products.
Practice Portion Control: An aspect can avoid carbohydrate-rich foods as well as certain foods that cause a lot of stress and turn towards healthier foods that are manageable when it comes to portion control.
Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep disorders leads to weight gain because insulin and cortisol levels are high during night and these factors are associated with breast cancer. Try to get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every 24 hours.
Lets Discuss How We Can Reduce Environmental Risks:
While lifestyle changes can make a significant impact, it’s also wise to reduce exposure to environmental factors that may influence cancer Risk :
Limit Exposure to Chemicals: Some of the substances used in plastics, the materials for personal care, and cleaning services can disrupt hormones. When possible choose natural products and use artificial products only when there is no other way to protect oneself.
Be Cautious with Hormone Replacement Therapy: If you are planning on taking hormones, then consult your doctor first, because hormones are known to cause breast cancer.
Measures to be taken it Breast Cancer
Cancer risk reduction is an element of breast cancer prevention that can be of help for you to enhance your overall health and decrease breast cancer risk. By ensuring sufficient control to your meals and what you avoid while embracing regular exercises and a good diet it is possible to fight cancer prevention for you.
Breast cancer prevention means accepting responsibility for your own wellbeing, and making the right decisions. When you take your meals as prescribed with no extremes, engage in exercises, and ensure that you have the right body weight you are sure of helping in preventing breast cancer. These underpinning include knowledge about the relation between nutrition and cancer, promoting exercise and breast health, as well as understanding the risks related to your physical environment, or the need for excluding risk factors, are crucial to protecting oneself. A few changes to health promoting behaviors today mean better health for tomorrow.
At [Cancer Care MENA](https://cancercaremena.com/ We do understand how daunting the cancer experience can be, and that’s why we are readily available to provide you with necessary information and resources requisite to assist you make the most appropriate decisions for your welfare. So, once again let me remind, you can also step up and make the changes for a healthier life and decreasing the risks. Breast cancer is a menace that lets us unite and fight so that one day we will live our lives without having to worry about breast cancer.